Parish Vision:
We are a community united in faith and sharing a vision of God's kingdom that inspires us to imitate Christ.
We are committed to passing on a life of moral values to future generations, respecting the dignity of every human life,
daring to step out in faith, fiercely holding on to truth and graciously inviting others to join us.
Parish Mission:
Our mission is to invite others to join us in our prayer as the Body of Christ as we teach the Truth of the Gospel to all and
share our time and treasures with others in service and justice. We do this by trying to follow Christ's example.
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
As Catholic Christians, our constant song is “Alleluia!” as we trust in God’s guidance and grace. United as one body in Christ, we are called to be instruments of His love and mercy, reaching out with joy to those most in need within our community.
I am thrilled to announce the launch of the 2025 Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) and invite you to join us as we come together to support DSF and extend God’s love to others.
Through DSF, we live out the Gospel, using the many blessings God has entrusted to us to provide hope and mercy to those in need, reminding them of God’s care and presence in every circumstance. Your support of DSF allows us to:
I invite you to click the video to the right and hear a special message about the 2025 DSF and also prayerfully ask you to consider making your annual gift to DSF in your parish this weekend or online today at
Let us “Cry Out with Joy to the Lord” as we pray, give, and minister to those in need. May God bless you for your generosity and continued support, guiding you as instruments of His love and mercy in all that we do together. I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
Traveling Crucifix
We are offering the practice of the traveling crucifix for vocations. Families who sign up, will receive one of these traveling crucifixes for a week. In the box is a small crucifix on a stand and some prayer cards. During the week, Msgr. Bill asks every family to pray together daily, at the breakfast table or the dinner table for an increase in vocations. On Friday, you bring the traveling crucifix to the church office so that on Sunday, another family can take the crucifix and pray in their own home.
Click here to find out more and sign-up!
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