Pre-Baptism Class is required for both parents.
The class is optional for godparents when the baptism ceremony is celebrated at St. Vincent's.
Class time is 7pm - 9pm and USUALLY scheduled for the 1st Thursday of each month,
but subject to change.
Schedule for class in 2025:
January 16
Baptism literally means to wash or to immerse from the Greek baptizo. Thus, it is the visible rite by which original sin, all personal sins, and all punishment due to sin are washed away. Through baptism, your child will be incorporated into Christ’s Church and into the very being of Jesus Christ, therefore becoming a daughter or son of God the Father and a Temple of the Holy Spirit. So deep is this entrance into the inner life of the Blessed Trinity that an indelible, or permanent, mark is left on the soul. Having been washed clean of all sin, the baptized person is created anew and receives an infusion of sanctifying grace and supernatural gifts and virtues through which the person may reveal God’s being and glory to others. Through this sanctifying grace, God Himself comes to dwell within each baptized person and offers them eternal salvation. As parents and godparents, we are entrusted with the very life of our children and godchildren. This is an awesome responsibility, but it is one that God has prepared us for through our own Baptism. With so much goodness at stake, it is no surprise that our Lord was so eager to share His life with us by commanding us to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.” (Mt 28:19) May God continue to bless you and your family as you embark on this journey with Christ with your children!
If you would like to read more about Baptism, click here.