The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 100,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. It is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives.
Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God's goodness for people.
Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003).
All three parts of the process are necessary for discovering where you are gifted.
Part One is the Called and Gifted workshop, which lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted workshop series the participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory.
Part Two is the one hour gifts interview, an invaluable part of the process.
Part Three helps you begin discernment in the real world. It will teach you how to: develop charism experiments evaluate your results identify ways you learned to control life as a child that get in the way of using your charisms as an adult.