If your child is 7 or older, he/she is invited into the process of Christian initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children (RCIA-C). This process prepares young people and their families for the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Children should be enrolled in the age-appropriate parish Religious Education program, or a Catholic school (parish or private) prior to beginning this preparation. The appropriate programs are indicated below.
For children 7 years old to 5th grade parents also attend each session.
Children should enroll in Under Thy Roof prior to beginning the RCIA adapted for Children preparation. Please contact Kim Muncy at 713-663-3509 or kmuncy@svdp-edu.org to register for RCIA-C and for more details.
Children 6th grade through 8th grade should enroll in EDGE and teens 9th grade to 12th grade should be enrolled in Teen Confirmation/Revelation. Please contact youthministery@svdp-edu.org to register for RCIA-C and for more details.