Information regarding Sacramental Preparation
Baptism for infants, under the age of 7 - We encourage all parents to present their children for Baptism as soon as possible. Parents must be willing to raise their child in the Catholic Church by teaching them to pray and bringing them to Mass. Each child must have at least one Godparent (Sponsor) but may have two (one male and one female) one of whom MUST be Catholic. Requirements for Sponsor(s) will be covered in the Pre-Baptism Class.
Parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptism Class. Godparents are encouraged to join us. Please contact the Parish Office at 713-667-9111 and ask for Paulette Blackburn to pre-register for the class.
Baptism for Children 7 years old to 12th grade - If your child is 7 or older, your child is invited to participate in a special program of formation, RCIA adapted for children, click here for more information (hyperlink to new tab we will create below).
Or you may contact:
Children 7-years-old through 5th grade: Kim Muncy at 713-663-3509 or
Children 6th grade through 12th grade: Church Office at 713-667-9111 or contact us via e-mail at for more information.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for Children – Children who are 7 yrs old through 5th grade may receive their sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion if they are baptized in the Catholic faith, are 7 years old, and are enrolled in their second year of Under Thy Roof (CCE), (their first year could have been completed at another parish) or are enrolled in a Catholic school. The First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion immediate preparation program begins at the start of the child’s second year of the preparation process.
We utilize a parent - child program to help the children learn the meaning of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. This immediate preparation program begins at the start of the second year of preparation. More information regarding this can be found here or contact Kim Muncy at 713-663-3509 or
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for Youth – Children in 6th Grade through 12th grade may contact The Church Office at 713-667-9111.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for Adults- If you are an adult who is baptized Catholic but has not received First Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, you may be placed either in RCIA or Adult Confirmation depending on your circumstances. Please contact Laura Rivera at 713-663-3528 or for more information.
Confirmation for High School age students - We provide a Sacramental Preparation Program for high school age students who are members of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. Confirmation occurs in the springtime of a teen's sophomore year of high school. Preparation for this sacrament includes class time, retreats, and service. For more details click here or contact the Church Office at 713-667-9111 or contact us via e-mail at for more information.
Confirmation for Adults – Confirmation preparation for adults who are baptized Catholic and have received First Holy Communion is offered twice per year, in the Fall and in the Spring. Please contact Laura Rivera at 713-663-3528 or for more information.
Marriage to take place at SVdP or at another Catholic Church - Marriage Preparation is very important. Contact the Parish Office at least 8 months before your intended date for marriage.
It is essential to not make reservations for your reception until after you have started your preparation. Contact Elizabeth Ducote at 713-663-3535 or to schedule an appointment.
Sacrament of the Sick for Catholics over the age of 7 - Anointing of the sick is scheduled on the second Wednesday of each month after the 12:10 PM Mass. Or you may call the parish office at 713-667-9111 to schedule an appointment with one of our priests.
Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Would you like to know more about becoming a permanent deacon? Contact Msgr. Bill Young at 713-663-3542 or
Religious/Consecrated/Lay Consecrated - Are you interested in exploring the possibility of becoming a brother, a religious, or joining a lay organization? Msgr. Bill would be happy to meet with you and help you start the discernment process. Contact Msgr. Bill Young at 713-663-3542 or
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