The Novena to St. Jude is a long standing tradition at St. Vincent de Paul Parish. History tells us that the parishioners prayed that St. Jude would intercede and property would be provided on which the parish could grow. Miraculously this prayer was answered and we were able to build our
current church.
Novena Prayers to St. Jude
Take a moment each day to ask for a particular grace you need that day.
Pray the following prayer daily and then the prayers for each given day.
O blessed St. Jude, through your kinship with our Lord Jesus Christ and your vocation as Apostle and the glory that is now yours in heaven obtain for me from the Giver of every good gift all the graces which I need. Help me to live out the truth of your Epistle to build my life upon the faith I have received, to live in the love of God by grace of the Holy Spirit and to praise the son by helping all men and women.
First Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, who labored zealously for the Kingdom of God and performed many miracles in cases of need and despair. I ask you to hear my prayers and bring them before God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Help me to be patient in finding God’s will for me.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Second Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, I come this day to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, and to live as His disciples. Help me to dispose my heart and mind to the love of God and the Spirit of God at work in my life. I ask you to hear my prayers and bring them to God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Grant that I may always be mindful and thankful for the blessings of God and always open to His will for me.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Third Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, as I come to honor the Lord in your name I remember that you labored to spread the Gospel of our Lord. I ask you to hear my prayers and bring them to God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Help me to know the will of God in my life and to preach the Gospel in the way I live.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Fourth Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, who labored to bring the Gospel to all men and women, listen with compassion to me at this time. In the midst of the difficulties of my daily life, I ask you to hear my prayers and bring them to God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Help me to be attentive to the call of God in my life and open to God’s will.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Fifth Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, and companion of Jesus help me to follow your example of zeal and devotion in following Christ. In the midst of my life, I ask you to hear my prayers and pray with me before God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Grant that I may always be thankful and remember the many gifts God has given me. Grant too that I always remember that God, who cares for me as a loving Father, will always give me what I need.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Sixth Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, help me to seek only the will and love of God in my life. Hear my prayer and pray for me before God, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Help me be attentive to God’s presence in my life, especially those times when He comes in ways that I do not expect.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Seventh Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, you who are a friend and companion of our Lord, help me to grow in my own friendship with the Lord, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Hear my prayers and pray for me before God. Help me to see God’s love and purpose at work in my life.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Eighth Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, who followed the Lord and shaped your life by His example, help me to live out His love in my life. Hear my prayers, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
And pray for me before God. Help me to grow in my thankfulness to God especially for all His love and kindness. Help me always to be open to His will in my life.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!
Ninth Day
St. Jude, blessed Apostle, and Martyr, help me always to dispose my life to God’s love and will for me, especially…
(pause, add your particular intention)
Please hear my prayers and pray for me before God. Help me to always be open to God’s will and love at work in my life.
St. Jude, pray for me!
My Jesus, mercy!